ri Workers' comp lawyer

Workers’ compensation is a system that was created by the Rhode Island General Assembly to deal exclusively with injured workers, and to give injured workers the help they need – and more importantly, help which they might not otherwise be entitled to under the law.
If an employee is hurt at work, they may be entitled to collect workers’ compensation benefits.
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Workers' Compensation Lawyer in Rhode Island
If the work injury causes the employee to miss time from work, they may be entitled to collect weekly benefits from the insurance company that covers their employer. The injured worker may be entitled to have their medical treatment paid for as well.
The workers’ compensation system in Rhode Island also provides other benefits to injured workers. Employees are entitled to money for workplace injuries that result in scarring or disfigurement, as well as for the loss of use or function of a body part. Notably, scarring, disfigurement, and loss of use benefits are collectable by an injured worker in Rhode Island even if the worker did not miss any time from work.
The Rhode Island Workers’ Compensation Act also is designed for timely payment of compensation for workplace injuries.